Heal with Neil
I had been suffering from depression for the last 20 + years.
I was introduced to Neil by a friend and was immediately taken by how friendly he was.
A few weeks later I had a very bad period of depression and asked Neil to send me some absent (distant) healing for me.
I found after a few weeks I started to see some results, my state of mind started to heal with the lovely support I had from Neil.
The healing sessions from him really helped towards my recovery.
This didn't happen overnight but I started to slowly improve which is the best thing.
Much love to him and for keeping in touch afterward.
After suffering from lymph gland problems and being under the doctor for the last 3 years with little improvement, I decided to contact Neil.
After having gone to bed every night, I was having horrible heart palpitations and on top of that hot stabbing pains in my feet during the day.
Neil only sent me one healing session, both symptoms disappeared within 2 days and have not returned since. Being so relieved I couldn't thank Neil enough.
Noticed a definite improvement the day after the healing session.
I asked Neil to help my teenage son who is a keen rugby player and was concussed during an important match recently. Rather than come off the pitch after a bruising clash with one of his weighty opponents he played on, which he realises now was not a wise decision. He was not assessed and carried on with his normal daily routines but started to complain of a constant dull headache in the area he was knocked, problems focussing at school, insomnia and general fatigue. Without telling my son what I had arranged, I followed Neil’s instructions and asked him to go to bed early one night at the time he told me he would start work on him. The following morning, he seemed brighter and I noticed a distinct improvement in his overall demeanour. When I asked him how he felt, he told me he had slept well and not woken up until his alarm went off, his low-level anxiety had disappeared and he was feeling happier, and his head was not sore. Over the course of the following days, the headache would return towards the end of the day or when he was tired but I asked Neil for another session and it gradually subsided to the point now that it has gone, his concentration levels are back to normal and he is also back to feeling (and looking) himself generally. I will definitely consult with Neil again should I think my son would benefit from any sessions in the future.
As I do a very physical job my body has suffered a lot over the years,.
I was told a lot is due to wear and tear which has affected my back and joints and there is no cure for that.
I have managed the best I can but I have been at my wits end with back and hip pain, and after conventional medicine hasn't helped, I turned to alternative therapy and I found this helped a lot.
I turned to Neil for some distance healing after someone recommended him, I was sceptical but needn't of worried because after two sessions things improved a lot.
I didn't need to take painkillers anymore which I had been on and off with for the last two years and which was a big relief in itself.
Funnily enough after both sessions of healing which were 6 weeks apart, I felt awful the very next morning, Neil explained this is quite normal as many things tend to get worse before getting better.
I do use other therapies but it's way too much of a coincidence that after two separate healing sessions I feel better than I have felt in a long time.
I am convinced Neil has helped me and would recommend him to anyone to give him a try.
Two years ago I had leg ulcers and Neil sent me healing for them too, I was going through a really difficult time mentally because the pain was unbearable. These cleared up and Neil told me the healing helped even though at first I wasn't convinced, but strange considering I had them for 9 months and they were only getting worse, then Neil comes along and within a few weeks they healed up after getting two sessions of distant healing.
My husband suffered an injury to his ribs, which Neil offered healing for. Neil sent the healing that night and the following morning my husband woke up and said, he had the best nights sleep in a long time after tossing and turning for weeks due to the pain and felt much better. He recovered two weeks earlier than the doctor predicted. Thank you so much Neil.
Dear Neil,
I would just like to say a big thank you for helping me whilst I was ill, it was when I had a meal at a London Hotel we stayed at before flying out early the next day.
I had severe cramps and pains in my stomach during the night and was violently sick in the morning (Possibly Food Poisoning) bearing in mind, I had a flight to catch which was the last thing I needed, when my wife called Martin and informed him he kindly asked you to carry out a healing.
At first, I just didn’t want to eat and felt like I was dying, I felt a bit better on the flight, then after about 8 hours I was feeling much better and even had something to eat.
The next day I was back to normal and had a fantastic honeymoon, I didn’t think about the healing process but I do think something helped me.
Once again, I would like to thank you for your kindness and helping me, hopefully someday I can repay you.
Yours Sincerely,
My sons anxiety improved a lot after he received distant healing from Neil. He has been much calmer & happier, thank you xx